
How to use Tour Guide Portal

1. Introduction

This portal is a web-based application with mobile friendly interface, and thus you can open it using your mobile phone.

2. Users of Portal

There four types of users namely administrator, tour guide, tourist and tour operators. There are sections that can be accessed by all users and there are user-specific sections.

3. Opening Portal

To open portal, open your browser and type http://localhost/tgtest[1], the home page will open.

4. Home Page

With home page you can

4.1   Guide Menu

In this menu you can do the following

  • Find guides: GUIDES >> Find Guides – find the guide details by searching
  • List all guides GUIDES >> List of Guides – list all guides that have been registered in the system
  • List guide association GUIDES >> List Guide Association – list all guides associations
  • Find out the Spoken Language GUIDES >> Spoken Languages – list of all languages spoken by guides in Tanzania
4.2  Discussion Forum

You can view topics and ongoing discussion in discussion forum. The discussion forum is found at home page as well as accessed through the navigation menu.

4.3  Learning Library

You can access all topics in the learning library by clicking the menu “Learning Library” in the main navigation

4.4   Tour Operators
  • In tour operators menu, you can view jobs advertised by tour operators by opening Tour Operators >>Jobs
  • A user with tour operator capabilities, can log in and add these jobs
4.5  Help Menu

In this menu you can do the following

  • Help>>About Us – access the about us page in order to know who we are and how can you benefit from this platform
  • Help>>Get help – to access this help page
  • Help>>FAQ Us – access the frequently asked questions (FAQs) page
  • Help>>Contact Us – access the contact us page. In this page you can write your feedback about this site or any other information you want to communicate with us
4.6 Search
  • To search for anything in the system apart from guides, click search button located at right-most end of main navigation
  • With this button, you can search for learning materials, jobs, help, etc
4.7 Home
  • To go back home, click the home icon located at left-most end of the main navigation menu.
4.8 Login
  • To have more privilege in the system, you need to log in.
  • You can access login by clicking “login” on top-right corner of the header.
4.9 Sign Up
  • You can’t login if you have not registered in the portal
  • To register yourself you need to click “Sign Up” on top-right corner of the header.
4.10   Update your particular details
  • Click your name at the header
  • Then click edit
  • Enter your names
  • Click update
4.11   Change Password
  • Click change password
  • Read the password regulation
  • Enter your current password
  • Enter new password and confirm it
  • Click change password
4.12    Logoff
  • If you have login the logoff link will appear at the right-top most corner of your header.
  • Click the link to logoff

5  Discussion Forum

  • The discussion forum has read only access for unregistered users.
  • Thus the public can read all posts but they cannot contribute to any topic.
  • You can contribute to discussion forum by either starting a topic (thread) or replying a topic started by another user
5.1   Start a Topic (Thread)
  • Click the forum (or sub forum) you want to start a topic.
    • For example, I want to start a thread titled “How to promote my guiding brand”, thus I check the available forums, I find the one written “Marketing and Promotion”, I click this one. It is sub forum of Tour guiding business.
  • Enter the title: How to promote my guiding brand
  • Type in your ideas regarding your topic at the box under your topic
  • Then enter your tag, eg guiding brand, at topic tag
  • You may select to be notified by email if you want the notification of your replies
  • Click submit and your topic is submitted.
  • You have five min to edit anything you have submitted, after that you cant edit what you have submitted.
5.2  Replying to a topic
  • Find the topic
  • Click the topic
  • Then type in your reply at the box opened
5.3  Other activities in discussion forum
  • You can subscribe to a topic by opening a topic and find the words subscribe
  • You can set a favorite by clicking favorite


6  How guide can use the Portal?

6.1  Registers yourself with the portal
  • Go to Sign Up
  • Enter your particulars: full name, email, password and your expected user category. Tour guide should select “Tour Guide” option in the “I am” field
  • Click register.
  • The administrator will be notified that you have requested to have a tour guide role and he will approve your request
6.2  Login into the portal
  • You login into portal by using username and password you created
  • If the page “Welcome Guide” is opened then your request has been approved by administrator.
  • From here you can see Profile Menu next to home icon.
  • Then go to step 3, setting your profile.
  • If not approved, you can contact administrator to approve your request
6.3  Profile setting
  • It is very important to complete setting your profile to be visible by tourist. Try to enter as correct information as possible.
6.3.1   Personal Details
  • Go to Profile>>Personal Details
  • Enter your personal details
  • Finish by clicking submit
  • If there is any information you mis-entered, you can change at anytime and click update at the bottom
  • Then go to guiding work
6.3.2  Guiding Work
  • Go to Profile>>Guiding Work
  • If you have not entered anything, the table will be empty.
  • Click Add New Category
  • Select your guiding category, then experience, expertise and interests in that particular category.
  • Then click Add.
  • If you have worked as guide in different categories, please enter all of them. Try to be brief and straight to the point. You cannot enter one category more than once.
  • You can any time edit or delete the information you have entered.
  • Satisfied? Go to Education History
6.3.3  Education History
  • Go to Profile>>Education History
  • If you have not entered anything, the table will be empty.
  • Click Add New Education Level
  • Select your education level, year of completion, school, programme and duration program.
  • Note that only primary and secondary data won’t be displayed in the public. Other data will be displayed in the hope that they will help you to get more work. No grades are displayed
  • Then click Add.
  • You can any time edit or delete the information you have entered.
6.3.4  Language Understanding Level
  • Go to Profile>>Language Understanding Level
  • If you have not entered anything, the table will be empty.
  • Click Add New Language
  • Select the language and the level of understanding of that language.
  • Neither overate nor underrate yourself, remember you can be contacted using this language and tourist will expect you to communicate at that particular level of understanding.
  • Then click Add.
  • You can any time edit or delete the information you have entered.
6.3.5   Upload your picture
  • Go to Profile>>Upload your picture
  • Click Browse for your picture
  • You should select the passport size photo to be seen clearly.
  • Then click Upload.
  • You can upload another photo at any time you want.
6.3.6   Preview your Profile
  • Go to Profile>>Preview your profile
  • You will see all information you entered plus the review the tourists and others have written about you


7   How Tourist can use the portal

  • Tourist may or may not register. If they register, they can rate a tour guide and they can contribute to a discussion forum.
7.1  Registers yourself with the portal (Optional for tourists)
  • Go to Sign Up
  • Enter your particulars: full name, email, password and your expected user category. Tourists should select “Tourist” option in the “I am” field
  • Click register and you are done
7.2    Login into the portal
  • You login into portal by using username and password you created
7.3  Find the guide

There are different ways of locating the guide you want

  • Using find guide
    • Go to GUIDES >> Find Guides
    • Type what you know about the guide, eg name, association, etc
    • Click search
    • You will get the list of guides according to your criteria
  • Using list of guides
    • Go to GUIDES >> List of Guides
    • Try to locate the guide
    • You can write his/her name on the search box
  • Using guides association
    • If you know the guide association this is the option to use
    • Go to GUIDES >> List Guide Association
    • locate the association
    • then click view member icon in action column
    • locate the guide in the list of guides displayed
7.4    Rating and reviewing the guide
  • You must be login to rate the guide
  • Find the guide you want to rate by using any of the procedure described above
  • Click the star at the action column
  • Enter title, score and comments about the guide
  • Then click submit
  • You can edit your submission at anytime


[1] This is the temporary address. It runs only in one computer

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